A gorgeous bouquet of pinks, mauve, peach, creams and leaf greens!
Made with a huge variety of different laces, ribbon, organza, wool, ruffles and anything else to achieve the perfect level of prettiness ^-^
The length of the bunting is 1 metre across, with an additional 50cm each end to hang. At it's longest approximately 40cm in length
Each drop is individually strung, meaning that you can space each drop however you choose, super bunched up if you want in a smaller space, or spread out if you want it to cover a larger area :)
Drops are various lengths to give a lovely floaty effect
This really is a treat and perfect for anywhere in the home that you wish to add a bit of pretty detail to any nook or cranny! My buntings look very striking across a window or as a wall hanging ^-^
Please note my buntings are NOT fire resistant or fire retardant. Do not use near open flames.
Not suitable for children and not a toy, do not leave with children unsupervised. Hang out of reach of children